
What Business Owners Need to Know About Voice Search

I’m sure you’ve heard of Amazon Alexa, and Google Home, heck you may even have one. But what you might not know is that you need to start preparing to optimize your businesses web presence for voice search, which will be dominating local search very soon.

According to ComScore, by the year 2020, 50% of all search will be prompted by voice. As business owners and marketers, we need to not only be aware of voice search, but start embracing voice search.

Search Engine Watch says that mobile voice-related searches are three times more likely to be locally-based than text searches are.

Local businesses especially need to start optimizing for voice search SEO. So what exactly is voice search, and how can businesses optimize their web presence for voice search?

Here is an article that will answer these questions…

“Ok Google, “Say Hi to Alexa”!

Apple and Google may have started voice search using Siri and Google Assistant, but Amazon’s Alexa really got the ball rolling with the launch of Echo. When Alexa was launched in November 2014, it was seen as a fun voice recognition gimmick that everyone would want for a few months before forgetting all about it.

Yet this turned out to gain incredible user adoption. In December 2016, Echo was Amazon’s most popular product during the holiday period, and it was the first sign that proved that Alexa and her friends were here to stay! It then came as no surprise when Google quickly joined the fray by launching Google Home, to build on Google Voice which was already on Android.

And, of course, there were iPhone’s Siri and Microsoft’s Cortana. However, we are yet to see Apple and Microsoft launch the smart speakers. Until then, it’s the battle of the titans – Amazon vs. Google!”

Read more:  https://blog.netcoresmartech.com/voice-search