
How to Stand Out On LinkedIn!

If you’re on LinkedIn, and you’re using it like most business owners do, then you’re probably using it the wrong way. While Facebook, Twitter & Instagram tend to get the glory in the media, LinkedIn has been creating some awesome marketing options for businesses as well as several new tools to increase your businesses brand.

In addition, LinkedIn’s user base has steadily risen to 530 million users. With the power of LinkedIn’s growth, there is ample opportunities for businesses to expand their presence and attract new business. In order to take advantage of the this wave, your user profile needs to stand out in the crowded marketplace that LinkedIn is. So here are some fantastic ways that you can get your LinkedIn profile to stand out from the crowd, and get some new business in the door in the process.

“25 Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile Today

The reality is doing even some of these steps will put you ahead of the majority of your competitors. Do all of them and you will blow your fellow job seekers out of the water and amaze prospective employers.

  1. Get Your Name In Lights – Enter your name as you want to be called. You can use the former name function if you changed your name over the course of your career and want to be found under your former name and you can choose to whom your former name is visible for optimum reach.
  2. Make The Most Of Your Tagline -Optimizing your tagline with keywords and phrases is very important to your LinkedIn profile. In your tagline, also known as your headline, use the keywords, descriptors and deliverables for which you want to be found for by hiring managers and recruiters. Do not let it default to your current job title. Instead, use this 120-character area to give the reader a snapshot of who you are and your personality, motivating them to click on your profile link to read further. Hiring managers actually use these keywords to find people like you! You can get direction for the keywords to use from……”To See The Rest Of the 25 Ways to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out In 2018, Click Here Now!