
How to Sell on Social Media Without Being Salesy

One of the questions that I get a lot from my clients and members of my mastermind, is “How do I sell more of my products and services on social media?” Well folks, the trick is to not to try to sell directly in your social media posts. Now I know that sounds counter to what you probably thought, but you must remember that most people who interact on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and others are there to socialize, not to be sold to.

If you’re confused now, don’t worry… here is a great article from an outstanding digital marketer named Luisa Zhou, who has all the right answers and methods if you’re interested in using social media to sell more of your stuff. Check it out here:

“We’ve all seen those posts…

You’re in a Facebook or Linkedin group, or browsing your newsfeed when someone shares one of those purely promotional updates. The kind that says, “Hey, I’m so excited to share my XYZ!”

Usually these posts have no likes or comments, with good reason.

People are happy to buy when they know something will meet their need, but they hate being sold to. Our defenses naturally go up when someone approaches us with a traditional salesman-like approach.

This principle also applies to using social media for business and as a sales tool. Especially depending on what people’s reasons are for being on social media in the first place (more on that later).

Being one-sided and promotional is the wrong way to make sales on social media.

One of the most common questions I get is, “How can I promote on Facebook (or LinkedIn or [your platform of choice]) without being salesy?”

Social media is one of the most powerful ways…”

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